Year 4
Y4 in Carfield is a great year with exciting topics and activities. By this point the children are becoming some of the older children in school, so there are plenty of opportunities for them to act as role models, such as becoming peer mediators and reading buddies for the younger children.
In Y4 the children will complete the multiplication check (Summer term) which tests them on their knowledge of times table facts up to 12×12. Throughout the year, we practise these regularly to ensure that children feel confident and are able to do their best in them.
Some of the great topics that we cover in Y4 include the Ancient Greeks, Living Things and Their Habitats, Cityscapes and Landscapes, as well as The Ancient Egyptians and Rivers. Within these topics, the children have opportunities to conduct science experiments, show off their drama skills, get creative with their artistic abilities, and go back in time to learn about how others lived many years ago.
Throughout the year there are a range of trips and theme days including a river walk following the River Porter, an Ancient Greek day, local walks and a fashion show to display the children’s brilliant decorated T-shirts.