
Our Vision…

At Carfield, one of our whole-school curriculum drivers is, ‘We Celebrate Difference,’ and this is also the primary aim of our RE curriculum. We aim for our children to understand what it means to be a member of a diverse society and respect all that that entails. Religious Education at Carfield will ensure our children understand the similarities and differences between different groups of people and will promote understanding of the range of different viewpoints and lifestyles that they may encounter within their community and the wider world. Our RE curriculum is ambitious, broad and balanced for all pupils including those with SEN and/or disabilities. 

Religious Education at Carfield is underpinned by our Personal Development Key Concepts or ‘Big Ideas’ in order to provide children with the understanding and skills they need to prepare them for success in the next stage of their lives. RE lessons are planned to ensure that learning builds upon the Big Ideas and that pupils are always developing their understanding and skills in these areas.  


  • Children know about the basic beliefs and practices of the major world religions. 
  • Children have a positive view of all different belief systems and faiths and are curious to know more about the different ways people live their lives.   


  • Children understand the meaning behind key religious practices and beliefs, including why people from different religions celebrate in different ways and at different times of year, and understand some of the challenges people who belong to different faith groups may face. 
  • Children can express their thoughts and feelings about their own and others’ views and beliefs in a respectful, thoughtful way.  


  • Children can identify the similarities and differences between different faiths and belief systems in both their practices and overarching world views.  
  • Children understand that although we have differences, diverse communities can live together respectfully and peacefully if they appreciate and tolerate each others’ differences.  
    Religious Education at Carfield is taught following the requirements set out in the Sheffield SACRE scheme of work 2019.

    Religious Education is taught through RE theme days across the course of the year. These are set out in the Carfield RE Overview document and most of these days are linked to religious festivals which take place throughout the school year. Progression documents for the Religious Education key skills and knowledge are used by teachers in order to ensure that there is a clear progression of skills and knowledge as the children move through school. Lessons are carefully sequenced to build on prior learning and to ensure that learning is revisited.

    Each RE Day ensures that all of the three RE ‘Big Ideas’ are covered and these are shared with the children. By regularly referencing these big ideas we are teaching the children to evaluate their own learning and to make sure that they know what success looks like in Religious Education and what they need to do to improve.

    Our RE curriculum is strongly linked to our Personal Development curriculum in which much of the learning about difference, tolerance and being part an active and positive part of a wider community are reinforced.

    Every teacher is a teacher of special educational needs. Therefore we endeavour, as a team, to meet the needs of each individual through reasonable adjustments and targeted approaches, as per the SEND code of practice. All of which is done in collaboration with pupils, parents, staff and where appropriate external services. For those children with SEN and/or disabilities, we ensure they have the support that they require according to their individual needs in order to access and achieve in RE. We remove barriers, make reasonable adjustments, adapt and personalise learning opportunities and use aids in order to maximise potential. We are committed to ensuring that all barriers to learning are overcome without compromising progress, quality of learning, access to the curriculum or equipment.

    The Religious Education curriculum at Carfield plays a critical role in preparing our children for their future. Our children leave Carfield as considerate, understanding, and respectful citizens who have a clear understanding of different faiths. They will leave the school with an appreciation of what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multicultural society, where differences are celebrated and learnt from. Our pupils will be ready for their journey after Carfield; they will take responsibility for their actions and will show kindness and respect as they enter the wider world. Our RE curriculum prepares pupils with SEND for the next stage of their religious education.

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