Year 5
Year 5 is the penultimate year of Primary School and begins to prepare the children for their transition into Year 6 and beyond. There are no statutory assessments in Year 5 but we will still assess the children at various points to ensure they are making progress and to identify where additional support might be needed.
Our curriculum is engaging, practical and innovative. In addition to daily maths, English and reading sessions, we cover a broad range of topics in our wider curriculum lessons. Each term, our project lessons are driven by History (autumn term), Geography (spring term) and Art/DT (summer term). This allows the children to deepen understanding of each subject while being exposed to all throughout the year. We start the year by diving into the world of Vikings and Anglo-Saxons by understanding what makes a good historian, by exploring the geography of their countries of origin and examining their art. During the spring term, children discover life in the Rainforests and will learn about the lives of its inhabitants. Finally, our summer term provides an extended opportunity to explore the creative process whilst learning about the history of print, photography and communication. Woven into this exciting curriculum is science, music, personal development, PE, computing, Spanish and RE.
In Year 5, we offer an enriched curriculum through hands on practical learning opportunities. During each term, the children will get the opportunity to go on a school trip themed around their learning. Throughout the year, the children will also get to enjoy learning led by visitors to the school and outdoor learning. Spring term sees the children work towards and presenting a musical performance, which will be performed to parents/carers.
This is an exciting year that is full of engaging learning opportunities that we are sure the children will enjoy!