Design & Technology
Our Vision…
At Carfield, we want our pupils to be ambitious and creative designers who have an understanding of the impact of Design and Technology on daily life and the wider world. Our Design and Technology curriculum will develop children’s abilities in a range of designing and making specialisms. We aim to encourage our pupils to consider the effectiveness of their designs and requirements for the design brief. To achieve this, we provide every child with the opportunity to extend their learning, experience and application throughout each unit of the Design and Technology curriculum.
At Carfield Primary School, we intent to build a Design and Technology curriculum that allows all pupils to use their creatively and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems which consider their own and other’s needs, wants, and values. Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum requirements which allows children to acquire appropriate subject skills, knowledge and understanding to become a successful designer whilst drawing on knowledge from other subjects, such as maths, science, art or computing. We aim to equip our pupils with the skills needed to be successful later in life by giving them opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences.
- Design and Technology is taught in a half termly block. This allows the time needed for the children to be critical, inventive and reflective on their work.
- A yearly overview of the Design and Technology curriculum which clearly maps out the three Design and Technology units each year group will complete allows for progression across year groups in all areas of Design and Technology (textiles, mechanisms, food and nutrition and electrical systems).
- Each project from Y1 – Y6 teaches the principles of designing, making, and evaluating whilst incorporating the relevant technical vocabulary and knowledge.
- Pupils are taught well planned and resourced projects providing children with hands – on and enriching experiences.
- Pupils are introduced to relevant designers, chefs and nutritionists to increase cultural capital from which they can draw on in the future.
- Children are taught a range of skills to ensure they are aware of the relevant health and safety procedures related to the tasks.
- Pupils with additional needs are included in whole class lessons and teachers provide scaffolding or support where necessary. For those pupils who are working outside of the year group, individual learning activities are provided to ensure their progress.
- Our Design and Technology units are ambitious, broad and balanced for all pupils including those with SEND and/or disabilities.
- The skills and knowledge of our pupils is assessed ongoingly by the class teacher and throughout lessons using AFL strategies to identify where support is needed.
- Children will leave Carfield with the necessary skills and subject knowledge they need in order to be a successful Designer and equipped to take on further learning.
- Design and Technology experiences inspire children’s curiosity and foster a love for creative problem-solving.
- Pupils at Carfield will be able to understand how to plan and evaluate effectively, think critically to solve problems using a variety of solutions and use a range of skills to develop a successful design.