Our Vision…
At Carfield, we know Science is vital for giving children an understanding of the world around them. We aim to provide all pupils with a high-quality science curriculum which sparks their curiosity and allows them to develop a deeper understanding of the world they live in. Through our Science curriculum, the children develop both the knowledge they need while simultaneously providing opportunities to develop the skills required to be a successful scientist.

As pupils progress through school, they will build on prior learning and gain the scientific knowledge and skills they need to prepare them for the next stage of their education. They will also develop an understanding of the uses and implications of Science today and for the future. Our Science curriculum nurtures children’s curiosity, encourages respect for living things and the environment and fosters children’s collaborative skills. Science units not only provide children with knowledge but also develop scientific skills, allowing them to know more, do more and understand more.
- Science is taught discretely and weekly throughout school with one afternoon timetabled for teaching Science.
- During the year, objectives are taken from the Medium Term Plans to ensure that children build on prior learning and ascertain both the necessary scientific skills and knowledge they need.
- Low stakes testing and retrieval practice is embedded to support this and help children retain what has been already taught from earlier in the year group and previous years. Lessons are carefully planned using lesson elements to ensure progress and a clear consistent approach to the teaching of Science.
- As part of each lesson, subject specific vocabulary is shared with the children so they can accurately use it within discussions.
- We recognise that there is a strong link between reading achievement and science achievement generally so each lesson includes a ‘Whole Class Read’ amnd find the answer section.
- Oracy is positively encouraged and children are provided with keywords and sentence starters to allow them to be successful when recording their learning in their books.
- Enrichment opportunities are carefully planned to stimulate children’s curiosity and love of learning. Every year, Carfield host a ‘Science Week’ where each year group focus on a given topic. From this, practical investigations are carried out and children are required to explain their findings.
- Furthermore, in our ‘We are Scientists’ topic, children have the opportunity to carry out further experiments drawing on previously taught knowledge from their year group’s curriculum.
- Children leave us with the necessary skills they need in order to be a successful scientist.
- Children will have both the necessary subject knowledge and skills so they are ready for the next stage of their education with a love for Science which is developed from their time at Carfield.
- Children will be able to: ask relevant questions related to developing scientific knowledge and understanding; decide how to answer the questions and plan and carry out an investigation accordingly evaluating when necessary; present their findings using scientific vocabulary accurately.