Whole School Curriculum

At Carfield Primary School, we are proud to have a clear vision for our curriculum. By the time our pupils leave us at the end of Year 6, they will have been nurtured through a curriculum which is underpinned by our 3 curriculum drivers. These drivers aim to ensure that all our pupils leave school ready for the next stage in their lives, as individuals who: celebrate difference, are independent thinkers and who are ready for the future.

We celebrate difference

• Throughout our curriculum, pupils learn about different groups, communities, cultures and viewpoints. Diversity is celebrated and respected and this is modelled by pupils, staff and parents.
• Pupils are taught to be respectful and inclusive of all members of our school and wider community.
• All our pupils, regardless of ability and SEND, are provided a curriculum which challenges their thinking and produces high standards. We aim for all our pupils make progress in line with or above their ability.

We are independent thinkers

• All our pupils are readers. They have daily opportunities to read for pleasure, read to develop their comprehension skills and read to gain knowledge. Our pupils will be supported to apply what they learn through reading into forming their own opinions and developing their cultural capital.
• Pupils are taught key knowledge in all subjects which will support their understanding of the wider world around them.
• Pupils have daily opportunities to use talk for learning to discuss and debate new learning and apply their knowledge in a range of contexts. Developing oracy skills is seen as a key foundation for pupils to become independent thinkers and expressers of their own voice. Pupils are taught to question using well-developed language skills and vocabulary which is taught progressively throughout the curriculum.
• Pupils have opportunities to develop their resilience as learners: they are taught how to fail and try again, but also how to accept challenge from other pupils on their opinions and how to respond to this.

We are ready for the future

• All our pupils leave Carfield as fluent readers, giving them the best platform to be able to continue to progress in KS3 and go on to achieve in the future.
• All subjects have an endpoint for each unit. The endpoints give a clear indication of what we want our pupils to have learnt in that unit and these are assessed using carefully planned post assessments and recall.
• The Carfield curriculum is progressive in all areas: from key knowledge, to skills, to vocabulary. Our curriculum ensures pupils develop their learning on top of previously taught knowledge and skills so they have the foundations in place to broaden and deepen their understanding. Pupils will leave Y6 with the necessary secure knowledge needed to succeed in KS3.
• Recall and retrieval is part of a child’s daily diet. There are well planned recall practises in place for all subjects to ensure pupils are storing new knowledge and learning to their long term memory.
• Pupils receive a rich diet of personal, social and health education which enables them to become kind and respectful citizens who understand their role in society, and who are ready to develop their role in the wider community.