Home Learning
Home learning at Carfield Primary School refers to any learning task that happens at home. Although non-mandatory, each year group will set home learning tasks every term. Home learning provides an excellent opportunity for children to reinforce the skills and knowledge they gain in the classroom. It encourages independent thinking, builds strong study habits, and allows parents to become more actively involved in their child’s education. Engaging in additional learning activities at home can boost confidence, enhance understanding, and foster a love for lifelong learning. Home learning tasks can include: phonics revision, Times Tables Rockstars, learning linked to currents topics and tasks centred on the three school-values of Respect, Resilience and Relationships.
Carfield Primary School is a school of reading. To foster that love for reading, we strongly encourage children to read at home – daily. Parents can read aloud to their children regularly, choosing stories that spark curiosity, adventure, and imagination. Reading together not only helps children develop language skills but also creates a sense of bonding and comfort around books. By making reading a fun, shared activity, parents can inspire children to view reading as a source of joy and exploration. If your child brings home a phonics book, reading that book with them will help accelerate their acquisition of reading skills, enabling them to access and enjoy books of all genres.
Home learning can be submitted in a variety of ways. Some practical or physical home learning can be brought into school to show the class and the teacher. Some home learning will be set on Seesaw and completed work can be submitted via the app. Some home learning may be a simple photo of the pupil completing the task or even the pupil talking to the teacher about what they had done. If pupils and parents decide to participate in home learning, teachers and staff members at Carfield Primary School will always positively acknowledge the pupils effort.