Personal Development
Our Vision…
At Carfield, we understand the importance of supporting the development and well-being of all our pupils to ensure their successful integration into the local society and wider world. We aim for our children to understand what it means to be a member of a diverse society and respect all that that entails. Personal development at Carfield aims to help the children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and it tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with a safe environment and opportunities to respectfully challenge opinions. Our personal development curriculum is ambitious, broad and balanced for all pupils including those with SEN and/or disabilities.
SMSC, British Values, PSHE and RSE are underpinned by our Personal Development Key Concepts or ‘Big Ideas’ in order to provide children with the understanding and skills they need to prepare them for success in the next stage of their lives. Units are planned to ensure that lessons build upon the Big Ideas and that lessons always work towards children developing their understanding and skills in these areas.
Children can take responsibility for the role they play in an ever-changing world.
Children can take responsibility for their actions and are aware of the impact they can have upon others.
Children are able to identify what constitutes as a positive relationship for themselves and have the confidence to address concerns.
Children to be able to form respectful relationships with a wide range of people who they will encounter in the wider world.
Celebrating difference
Children to recognise the importance of differences between themselves, friends and people in the wider world and be able to celebrate the diversity appropriately.
Children to be inclusive of others and not let this effect how they treat people in their local communities and wider world.

Enrichment opportunities are carefully planned across the school. Theme weeks, such as Anti-Bullying Week and Children’s Mental Health Week, are celebrated and these aspects of the school calendar are explored in varying depths depending on emotional maturity. Assemblies are held throughout the school week and explore a range of issues linked to the Personal Development of the children. Children use the Zones of Regulation display in class daily and this is used for teachers to identify children who may extra emotional support and allow children to regulate their own emotions. The mental health and well-being of our children is crucial for them to succeed; therefore, we have appointed a Children’s Mental Health leader within school, who plays a vital role in ensuring we are providing the children with the right resources to develop. We ensure that all children know they have a voice within school and our Junior Leadership Team and Eco-Squad take on an active role in progressing our school further.
Every teacher is a teacher of special educational needs. Therefore we endeavour, as a team, to meet the needs of each individual through reasonable adjustments and targeted approaches, as per the SEND code of practice. All of which is done in collaboration with pupils, parents, staff and where appropriate external services. For those children with SEN and/or disabilities, we ensure they have the support that they require according to their individual needs in order to access and achieve in personal development. We remove barriers, make reasonable adjustments, adapt and personalise learning opportunities and use aids in order to maximise potential. We are committed to ensuring that all barriers to learning are overcome without compromising progress, quality of learning, access to the curriculum or equipment.