Happy New Year!

We are all looking forward to working with you all this Spring term! Last year saw so much activity, particularly from the Springs/Park cluster, and the special schools cluster! See what worked really well over the autumn term below!

Springs / Park Report Competitons.

This term we have seen all schools in the cluster take part in a least one competition, which have included orienteering, football, seated volleyball, cycling, cross country, table tennis, indoor rowing, boccia, badminton and sports hall athletics. Just over a 1000 young people have taken part.

Notable successes include Gleadless representing the cluster in the SFSS ESFA competition for both boys and girls and Pipworth and Norfolk going onto the Links SHA finals as cluster winners. 750 pupils from Gleadless, Arbourthorne, Emmaus, Pipworth, Manor Lodge and Norfolk attended our Fun Run at Manor Fields, with some fantastic help from students from both Park and Springs Academy. Activities Adventure cycle rides have been run for Y6 pupils at Phillimore and Pipworth and Y7`s at Park Academy, with pupils from Wybourn and Phillimore accessing cycle training. The bikes have also been in use at Norfolk, Manor Lodge, Bankwood, Emmaus, Prince Edward, Gleadless, Arbourthorne, Springs and Park Academy. Acres Hill and Prince Edward were also represented at the Links Primary Leadership Academy in October.

Training and Leadership

A series of young leader sessions have been organised for pupils at Prince Edward and Gleadless with a view to those involved helping to make breaks and lunch more active. Pupils from Springs and Park Academy have been instrumental in making sure the SHA events have run smoothly Residentials Links SSP has helped pupils from Manor Lodge, Phillimore and Gleadless have a great time on their residentials at Whitby and Thornbridge Outdoors.

Outside Agencies

Links have been able to work with British Cycling and Goalball UK to place its coaches in Gleadless, Acres Hill, Pipworth and Emmaus, where they have worked with KS1 and 2 pupils.

Special Schools

This term has seen a variety of competitions and festivals for the special schools cluster.  This year we opened out the offer to invite mainstream schools with children with SEND to also participate in our events.  This has been extremely successful, allowing mainstream school students to fully integrate with the special school students.  This has allowed for a greater number of participants, and more inclusive events all round. This was demonstrated at our Ice event, Seated Volleyball event, and soon the School Games Level Two Boccia and Kurling Tournament which Links SSP organise and deliver.  We have also had an increase in the participation of those with severe learning difficulties, and those with profound and multiple difficulties, with a couple Sensory, movement, and music festivals, which provides access to a sensory room, and also to a dance coach.  Overall the last half term has witnessed a large emphasis on inclusive competition, and the integration of those with profound and multiple difficulties.  No matter what background the students were from (special school, or mainstream), the students bonded well throughout the term, and have started to make some good friendships!