On the 22nd and 24th May Links hosted the Bupa Start to Move and Matalan TOP Sport CPD training at Prince Edwards School.   Both of the courses were a great opportunity for teachers and coaches to further develop how they interacted with PE sessions and how to make children more physically literate.


BUPA Start To Move

Martin George, Group Development Director at Bupa, describes Start To Move as;

For me, keeping active is vital to being healthy and happy. This doesn’t mean that everyone needs to rush out a join a sports club or take up running. I want my children to grow up happy and healthy, with the skills and confidence to take on any physical activity and enjoy it, no matter how good they are at it.

Through Start to Move, we can help children learn the habits that will lead to lifelong participation in physical activity and sport – the next generation of fit, healthy adults. And what better time to talk to children about fitness, than in 2012, when they are seeing the cream of the athletic world competing and enjoying sport live on TV, every day?

I very much hope you’ll take up our invitation to join the physical literacy revolution by signing up to Start to Move.


Matalan TOP Sport

The new look TOP Sport programme supports the delivery of PE and sport in primary schools.

It helps teachers unlock the potential of their pupils (aged 7-11 years) in KS2 PE by:

1. Developing young people’s physical and social skill development

2. Improving young people’s wider learning skills, such as confidence and managing their emotions

3. Increasing young people’s understanding of their health and well-being.

The TOP Sport programme offers teachers the opportunity to attend our workshops (free of charge) and to receive resource cards, posters, an interactive DVD and a celebration day pack.


Please use the contact page or the events page to find out about the latest training wokshops being delivered by Links and how you can get on them.


Here are a few pictures from the Matalan TOP Sport training day.

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